The future of seamless Nordic Mobility NEEDS YOU!


Achieving mobility roaming in the Nordics will require a bold but believable vision formed by stakeholders from multiple countries and sectors:

  • Mobility roaming suggests travellers can use their favourite travel app to book and buy basic travel services from private and public providers wherever they want in the Nordics; what needs to be in place to facilitate this – demography, culture, regulations, standards, and technology?
  • Will a combination of the National Access Points (NAP) in each country serve as a platform for Nordic Mobility roaming? Will it enable more use of public and private mobility services? What are the risks and benefits for each actor?

Your perspective is important for this vision.


You’re therefore kindly invited to a face-to-face workshop at the Clarion Hotel, Copenhagen Airport, Denmark, on April 17th.


The Copenhagen workshop is the culmination of the NOMAD project. It is based on project findings and the results of an online workshop last September. I’ve attached an extract of the conclusions of the first workshop.

The workshop in Copenhagen will test different Nordic MaaS Roaming Scenarios. What needs to be in place to set up sound MaaS roaming services across the Nordic borders – overcoming political, institutional, cultural, and business model barriers?

NOMAD is setting up this full-day physical workshop to facilitate a better understanding of the next generation of mobility challenges. We’re inviting 50 – 60 professionals and stakeholders from private and public transport agencies, providers, municipalities, and national transport authorities across the Nordics.


There will be great networking opportunities, but the most important takeaways will be a profound understanding of the status of MaaS, its real potential and the challenges we face to implement a mobility system that benefits society, the traveller, and the transportation industry at the same time.

Please follow the link for more information, a video invitation and registration >>


mandag, april 17, 2023
09:00 - 16:00

Clarion Hotel
Ellehammersvej 20
2770 Kastrup

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